Sunday, April 8, 2012

My dear aunt

I confronted my aunt, and I told her how much I love Lizzy. I hoped she will understand, and I told not to talk so rudely to Lizzy again. She is my aunt, and I hope she will support our marriage. However, if she would not, I would still be the happiest man. I would soon marry Lizzy, the love of my life.

Happiest day of my life

Today is the happiest day of my life because Lizzy loves me as well. I propose to her again, and to my surprise she accepts the proposal. She even says she love me dearly. I am very surprise but also extremely happy, and I will soon marry the woman I love. I can not be any happier than this. for I am the luckiest man in the universe.

10 days

I wish I can stay here with my friend Bingley becasue I get to see Lizzy almost everyday. Sadly, I have to leave fro London, and I will not be back for 10 days. Later on, I learn that my aunt has pay Lizzy a visit. I soon learn the content of the visit, and I am afraid that my aunt's word will make Lizzy despise even worse. However, my aunt's words will not affect me, for I love Lizzy and intend to marry her.

"How is Ms. Darcy?"

Today at dinner, I sat across the table from where Lizzy was. She looked so beautiful, and I was very happy to get to see her in the past few days. When she served tea, I tried to get close to her by asking for a cup of tea, and she asked how my sister was. I told her that she was fine, but I did not know what else to say. However, I was happy to get to see and talk to her.

Don't know what to do

I had the pleasure of seeing Lizzy again since last saw her at Pemberly. She was very taciturn, so I acted as usually, being reserved. Only if she knew I was dying to talk to her, but I was too... Bingley and Jane seemed very happy together, and I was happy for them. I regretted having to stop my dear friend from getting involved with such a lovely lady like Jane. I hope she and Lizzy will forgive me.

Bribing Wickham

I finally found Wickham, and I need to convince him to marry Lydia at all cost. Even though I hate to even look at this man, I have to do this for Elizabeth because I love her. I made a more than considerable offer to him, and he accepted. He is going to marry Lydia, and he is going to make her happy. I am going to be at the wedding to make sure they are married.

Lydia is married

Lydia is finally married, and I hope Lizzy is happier. I just hate to see her unhappy, and I wish she will just love me half as much as I love her. However, I do hate seeing Lydia married to Wickham. He is a very  not agreable man, and he is wicked. I hope that Lydia will some how be happy if that is possible at all.