Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lizzy going to Pemberley

I just find out that Lizzy is going to stop by Pemberley. My hope rises, and I hope I am going to see Lizzy at Pemberley. There are so many things I need to tell her, and I am willing to admit anything wrong I did for her. I will also like to know her response toward my letter. I truely hope that her prejudice is nearly diminished by now.

Lizzy leaving Hunsford

Lizzy is leaving Hunsford today to go home. I hope she read my letter because it is my last hope. I have written all my feelings and explanations, hoping she is going to reconsider my proposal. I am willing to give up my pride because I love her dearly, and I truely hope she is leaving Hunsford with a different view of me.  I can hardly wait for her respond if there are any at all.

Jane and Bingley

Did I do the right thing separating Jane and my beloved friend, Bingley? Did I have the right to stop my friend form seeing someone who family connection and level in society is well below his? I could say that I am rejoice in my decision and action. However, my actions had affected my happiness and chance with Lizzy. What could I do to make this right? Should I rejoin the two or continue to separate them?

Lizzy's reactions to the letter

I had given Lizzy the letter, and in the letter, I fully explained everything to her. I hope that she would understand my point of view. I told her the truth about her family inferiority, hoping she would see it for herself. Also, I told her everything about Wickham, and I hope she will take my word and see the true Wickham. I am extremely dissatisfied with the results of the proposal even though there is nothing I can do now. I hope Lizzy will clear her prejudice soon.

My sister will like to meet you

As I talked with Mr.Gardiner, I did not find him as bad as i thought. Maybe I was wrong about Lizzy's family connection, and they are not as inferior as i thought. When Mrs.G wanted to take Mr.G's hand, I took the hint and accompanied Lizzy. I told her that Mr.Bingley and Caroline would be at the party tomorrow, and I could tell that the name gave her some uneasiness. Additionally, I told her that my sister would be delighted to meet her, and I could see the sparks in her eyes. I thought I have made great progress.

Asking to be introduced

When I arrived, I could see that Lizzy was surprised to see me there. Of course she was surprise because she would never thought i could come out to the lake to greet her family and her. I wanted her to be surprised, and most of all, I wanted her to see that I could change. I am willing to change for her. Upon meeting them, I asked to be introduced to the whole party, and Lizzy was quite shocked. I could see her expression clearly, and I could tell that she did not resent me as much as she did.

The housekeeper's praises

I was extremely happy to see Lizzy today, for I longed to see her. When I was inside Permberley, Ms.Reynolds told me how she showed the guests around the house as well as telling them how great I was. I feared that what Ms.Reynolds just did will only further Lizzy's prejudice of me. How could I have been so careless? I must go to the lake and find away to change Lizzy's prejudice.

Lizzy at Pemberly

Today, on my way back to my estate in Pemberley, I saw Lizzy. Only if she knew how much I miss her, and I would do anything to make her love me. I could say that I was most civil to her and her uncle and aunt. It was different to be more civil to people that are inferior to me, but I would do anything to diminish Lizzy's prejudice toward me. I hope one day she will love me as much as i love her.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The letter

What Lizzy said about me is unacceptable and untruth. How can she be so blinded by her own prejudice to not see reality? How can I love a woman, whom cannot even tell truth form lie? How I can love a woman whom has no senses in her mind? I must let her know the truth about everything, and I am going to let her see how wrong she is about me. She is going to regret her declination.

The rejection

Not seeing Lizzy at Rosing worried me, so I went to Collins' house to see how she was. I was determined to express my love for her and asking her to be my beloved wife, and I was so sure she would be very delighted to hear the news. However, she declined my proposal, and express many ill opinions of me. Her prejudice had blinded her, and it was killing me not being able to tell her the truth. She even seemed to have some extremely good opinions of Wickham.

Miss Lizzy

I walked everyday at the park hoping to see Lizzy, and I could not decide whether or not to tell her i love her. For months i struggled with my feelings for her, and I went against everything I believed in by loving her. I had long tried to forget her, but it was impossible. Nothing can stop me from loving her, and I need to accept this. Not seeing her pained me, so I walk to the park everyday hoping she would be there.

Lizzy deserves the grand piano

Today, my aunt, Lady Catherine offers Lizzy the maid's piano. I find this an insult because Lizzy is rather an accomplished pianist. I am extremely dissatisfied with the way she treat Lizzy, and I dare say embarrassed of my aunt's action. Additionally, how can the girl I love be playing a maid's piano. She must play the grand piano, and she is more than qualified to be praised by my aunt.