Sunday, March 11, 2012

The rejection

Not seeing Lizzy at Rosing worried me, so I went to Collins' house to see how she was. I was determined to express my love for her and asking her to be my beloved wife, and I was so sure she would be very delighted to hear the news. However, she declined my proposal, and express many ill opinions of me. Her prejudice had blinded her, and it was killing me not being able to tell her the truth. She even seemed to have some extremely good opinions of Wickham.


  1. Dude, this blows. I am really sorry. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I love you and all, but now you know how i felt after you took Jane from me.

  2. Bingley don't act like you care. You left me because of what I have done. Do not blame Darcy, for it is all my fault. Darcy, you must be heartbroken; I'm sorry, but so am I.
