Sunday, March 11, 2012

The letter

What Lizzy said about me is unacceptable and untruth. How can she be so blinded by her own prejudice to not see reality? How can I love a woman, whom cannot even tell truth form lie? How I can love a woman whom has no senses in her mind? I must let her know the truth about everything, and I am going to let her see how wrong she is about me. She is going to regret her declination.


  1. I just recently read your letter to Elizabeth. Boy, was it eye-opening. She should absolutely reconsider a relationship with you because your actions were all justifiable and non-malicious. Once she arrives home from her tour of Derbyshire, I will speak to her about reconciling with you.

  2. Upon receiving your letter, I thought very illy of you. Not because of your reputation, but because you have led me to my prejudices against you. You're are extremely proud and arrogant. However, after reading your letter, I've reconsidered your justifications to your actions. I'm currently in a state of immense confusion. I'm already starting to regret my decision.
